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Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.


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    Friday, June 27, 2008

    Tearful Sorrows

    Last night, my grandmother passed away. It was a peaceful death, but it was a depressing one. Yesterday, all the adults were scurrying about, saying things and going to the hospital. I had no idea what was going on, and I was offered to go somewhere with my uncle, who was going to the hospital at the time, but I declined, not knowing where he was going. Afterwards, my dad picked my and my brother up from my cousin's house, and everything was just all weird. My mom called when we got home, telling us to go to the hospital. My dad told us to grab a jacket, and I asked what was happening.
    "It's your grandma," he replied. I asked her condition and he replied, "Not good." I was crestfallen, afraid of what was next, even though I already knew at the pit of my stomach. When we arrived, one of my uncles escorted us in, even though it was only one person at a time. My uncle told them that she was dead already, and they let us in. We rushed to her bed and we saw, two of my uncles, and me mom, sobbing, next to my grandma. Me and my brother looked and we embraced our mother. We all cried, and talked for a bit. She was already admitted to the ER around 12 or 1, (it was around 6:45-ish by the time we got there) and the doctors came in and talked to her. They said, "Ma'am, how are you?" She nodded. Then another question, "Do you know where you are?" "Hospital." They did checks and the felt her abdominal area all enlarged. They talked about putting her on a machine when her heart stopped, and she said, "Why? I'm healthy enough." She was also asking for two of my cousins. One in Florida, and she also got to talk to her on the phone. The other was my baby cousin, who didn't come until later at night. My mom left when the doctors were talking, and when she came back, her eyes were already pointed toward the ceiling.
    Some of my relatives from Escondido came. My cousin came through the curtain and I just hugged her, sad. She looked at my grandma and she started sobbing as well. Soon, 3 of my cousins came, and they were sad as well. We were escorted from he room to a waiting area while they cleaned her up. Some people didn't talk, and the others just talked softly, outside. I sat there, thinking of my grandma, all the times we had together, not believing that she was gone. But yet her yellowed skin, gaping mouth, and bluing tongue was stuck in my mind, like it was saying, "It's true she's gone." We were then brought to a room where we could see her. My uncle left to get my auntie, who left early from work I think, and my cousin who was taking care of my baby cousin who also came. Some of us, including me, left to go eat at a nearby restaurant. It as odd that when we got there, most of the songs playing were all sad songs. We came back and looked at her more, and pondered. We said a prayer and left. Me and my cousins were disturbed at the fact that she was put in a body bag, making her look like she was a victim of a crime scene. We gathered outside, and the adults were talking about what was next. We went to my cousins house, then went back to our house.
    It left me wondering everything about my grandma, how she was and how she really cared, even though we didn't see it sometimes, she really did.

    RIP Ignacia M

    2 people say...:

    Arisa said...

    Sorry to hear about your Grandmother, Your blog post made me cry the way you described it.

    Bianca said...

    HI PHILLIP ! (:
    ahaha, vaccum (;
    i like your blog :D