About Me

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Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.


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    Tuesday, July 29, 2008

    Happy Returns

    After having a month-long hiatus, I think it's time for me to put up another post. I was originally going to do a vlog, but my mom's camera kept dying after 3 mins. -_-; So about my grandma's ceremonies, they went pretty well. I got to carry the coffin, and I saw some of my cousins from upper Callie. I was going to do a sermon, but for some reason, I couldn't move. My cousins, and me and my brother sang, and some of my relatives spoke. I wanted to, but I didn't want to interrupt the Pastor. 

    So today, I had my first eye exam outside of school, and I, and the doctor, have to say that I have perfect 20/20 vision! My brother on the other hand, also has 20/20 vision, however, he can also 
    use reading galsses you find anywhere, but it really isn't recommended. It was a bit odd though, first I had to stare at a red dot that kept moving. Then, I had to focus on a small house, like it was far away. Afterwards, I had to stare at a green light for what seemed like hours. After, I went to watch my brother in the other room take another part of his test, which was then my turn. It was weird. I had to look at letters through this sight thing and the letters were on a mirror, its hard to explain, sorta I just don't wanna type it all ;;. Anyways, I also did the "Which one looks blurrier?" thing with the "L
    ens One or Lens Two" thing. So afterwards, I put on some 3D glasses and I had to look at pictures that "popped up" at me.
     Then, I had to do a color-blind test I guess, you know the one with a number inside
     a different colored circle. I got all the numbers right, I think, but me and my brother saw 2 different numbers when doing it. I saw 74, while he saw 71. Odd. 

    I'm also thinking of changing my blog's name. I was thinking Psychobabble for a title. Any suggestion? Just comment. I'll put up a poll soon. 

    1 people say...:

    Roary said...

    bwahaha!!. X]

    hey philip its me ellen... como estas? lol

    visssssssssit por favor?.