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Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.


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    Monday, September 29, 2008

    Nerd Day! and comp problems...

    ボクのコンピュータは遅いと迷惑。いつも「エラ!」と「コンピュータバイルス設立する!」 これはぜんぜんだよ!このバイルスファイルは「ノアックセッス」。ボクは新しいのコンピュータが欲しいよー!明日はピアノのレッスン。それがもっと嫌い!ボクは疲れた。「もたくさん」と「止まれ!」が欲しいに生活を叫び声する。でもこれは不可能。www ボクが音のようにキョン,でしょう?

    Don’t bother to translate with Google.You probably won’t understand it.but go ahead, it’s the only way you’ll be able to read this.Unless you speak Japanese of course. (I kinda had a lil dictionary/translator help.)

    ( ^.^)/やあ!またね!

    おまけ:空耳ケキ (Soramimi Keki; Fancy Hearing Cake) by Oranges & Lemons
    Here's practically a song about random things. Like me!

    (Mini-tribute for the series ending T_____T)

    1 people say...:

    Anjamay said...

    This is what the translator said o.o

    Yes! Today is the day of geek! But my regular shirt and pants. After I enjoyed the day. That's right! My math teacher, founded the physics of my book! I'm happy. Thank you, Ted teacher! Good.
    Junk my computer is slow. Always, "Ella!" And "to establish a KONPYUTABAIRUSU!" It's not at all! This BAIRUSUFAIRU "NOAKKUSESSU". I want a new computer! Piano lessons for tomorrow. I hate it even more! I tired. "A lot" and "Stop!" I want to cry in life. But this is impossible. I like the sound www Kyon,?