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Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.


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    Wednesday, February 4, 2009

    Screwy internetz and old friends.

    I am annoyed. At my computer. For those who talk to me, you probably know why. If you don't then here is my issue with my computer: the internet does not work properly. Other the past few days, my internet had started to shut off and on randomly. It drives me insane. Well, my dad bought a new router so I'm trying it out now. Well when I try to go on either meebo, Myspace, or YouTube, Firefox crashes. My mood becomes ()!*&$)(!*&)Q(*#$&!!!!!!!! Another computer frustration is how buggy it just is. Like how I just tried to open iTunes because it didn't come up when I plugged in my iPod, the window didn't even come up yet and it's telling me that it had to close because of some kind of error. WTF? And now Windows Explorer just crashed on me. Twice in 5 minutes. I really hate this computer. I wish I had a new one. Maybe i'll just get my own laptop instead of a DS or a PSP. But which to choose? Mac or PC?

    Well, enough ranting. How was my day you may or may not ask?It was fun really. I got to see some of my friends again from elementary school. It was fun. I got to meet up with not only one of my old classmates, but two of my old friends too. And it turns out one of them is bi. Which brings up the total up to 3. We played Brawl, talked a bit, ran around the lock a few times and then came in to play Mario Kart. Then I went home around 6:30ish.

    This post was actually made for yesterday, but my computer was of course being buggy and restarting itself. Can't see why they don't just buy me a new computer...:p

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