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Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.


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    Friday, March 13, 2009

    Mini Sports Festival!

    Today was advisory olympics, and they were hella fun. We had a 3 win, 1 lose, 1 tie record. Anyways, there were 5 games, and I guess I'll fill you in on them.

    First Game: Dodgeball
    Vs: Tator's Tots
    What Happened: It was the average game. I got hit in the arm eventually. James was one of our targets. We won, taking down either Jon or Gary at the end, I can't remember. We played a second game, just for fun, since we had time. I got hit in the face/shoulder. It stung for about 5 minutes, before I was fine again.Then I got hit in the arm again. :/ But it was still fun.
    Result: Win!

    Second Game: Project "Funway"
    Vs: Rod Squad
    What Happened: We had to create a new spring fashion out of the materials they gave us. These "materials" were: toilet paper, small paper cups, pipe cleaners, paper plates, duct tape, tin foil, some other kind of tape (the tan one, I forget what's it called", and I think thats it. Ours wasn't as great as theirs, but we still won anyway ^.^ The reason why was because they put makeup on Rod, which was illegal, since they weren't given makeup. but it was funny though. Rod, in a tin foil bikini. We basically dressed up Cassandra with a toilet paper top, an earring with 2 cups, a duct tape belt with cups on it, and tin foil wrapped shoes. When they told us that we won, there was a moment of silence, expecting the "Just Kidding" part. Then things got loud. But we marched out of the room happy.
    Result: Another Win!

    Third Game: Balloon Popping
    Vs. Ted Titans
    What Happened: In this game, we were supposed to pop the other team's balloons before they could ours. Whoever was left standing wins. At first, we thought that we had to pop our teammates' balloons, according to Ted, but he was wrong. It was fun. I didn't pop anyone's though. I got popped by this tall dude, which made me not so happy. I liked watching though. Monica even got cornered by 4 people! And she escaped! Go Monica! But then, because of her knee, we had to do a head count. It was 5 (or 4 excluding Monica because of her knee) against 5. We still called it a draw though.
    Result: Draw...

    Fourth Game: Volleyball
    Vs. The Fishermen
    What Happened: It took place in a room, with the wall collapsed. In it's place, there were 3 tables, separating us from them. We had to sit on the ground, staying in our spots, hitting a large beach ball back and forth. If it hit the ground or any wall, except the dividing wall, it was out and the other team gets a point. Best two out of three. WE won all games. :D We switched sides for the second game, though. It was fun hitting the ball back and forth, sounds more fun than it seems. I remember when I served the ball. I hit it over, then they hit it. It hit a corner on the ceiling, since there are pipes and lights above us, and it plummeted straight down onto the ground. Point for us! Toriaezu, it was close the 3rd round though. A point vs. two points left. And we still won x]
    Result: 3rd Win!

    Last Game: Pictionary
    Vs. [Wagner's Advisory]
    What Happened: WEll, the last event. Pity. It was so fun too! Except for the part where we lost. And they called us out for using a symbol, when they clearly used arrows and even talked when drawing. Then there was the time when Rey had to draw out "Mad cow disease." WTF?! How the hell are you supposed to draw that out?! We ended up losing by 2 points. And another thing. That guy must be deaf! I mean, when Marco was up drawing the detective-dud, I clearly said "DETECTIVE!" out loud. Ehh.
    Result: Lose >.>

    And there we have it. My first ever advisory olympics. Shame we didn't go against someone who made my hiccups go away x]

    1 people say...:

    Holly. said...


    This took me so long to type that I'm too embarrassed to admit the exact time. My ability to forget a year and a half of japanese is both impressive and depressing.

    I stopped getting excited about birthdays when I was forced to plan them for myself. I'm pretty lazy. Don't get me wrong, I loves me some birthday parties but planning takes time and effort.

    By the way, those Cheated Hearts videos are weird.

    Sorry for the delayed response. I haven't been using my computer other than mail lately. I'm kind of lame like that. Anyway, see you in class.

    subsomet- v- The act of submitting for stutterers.