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Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.


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    Saturday, February 28, 2009

    Start of a weekend. A boring one at that.

    Lo and behold, Saturday has finally come. But the thing is, it's actually pretty boring. I mean I love weekends. No school, no lessons, no crap. Well maybe at home. I get up at like 9-ish today to play some OoT for a few. The Water Temple bugs me. Like a lot. Then all of a sudden my dad's like, "Go vacuum the car!" And so me and my brother go clean the car, while my dad just watches like he's the big man in charge. In charge of doing nothing! xp So anyways, then brunch. Then some laundry. Then some piano-playing to get to my mom's laptop. Which I am currently using. Unfortunately there is a time limit, which sucks.

    Why can't I have my own laptop? Oh, that's right. It's because I'm broke-ish and my parents blame me for breaking computers so they won't let me have one. Well I'm saving up. In fact, I may have about close to $200, somewhere in my wallet, room, or in the house. Maybe if I do that change jar thing that other people do. They end up having a lot more money than expected. Now for choosing. Mac or PC? Oy I hate choosing. I love Macs for their indestructible-ness, but PCs have everything I want to do. Should I do BootCamp on Mac, or just play it safe on my PC? Argh. I'll think about it later.

    In other news, I may have told you about Toradora!, a new anime that came out late last year, and is now nearing completion. Watch it! I recommend it. Slice of life, drama, romance, hilarity. All in the works. It's gotten sooooooooooooo GOOOOOOOOOD. Synopsis of the first light novel volume can be found on my school DP, here. I used it as a subject for my book review. :p

    Yesterday, I had to stay after school with one of my friends. It was fun. We were supposed to be working on our light boxes for certification in our Math/Physics class, but all the teachers were out at a meeting. So we just walked around and talked. We argued how much the tool booth for the exit near here was. It was $3! Even Mike, the guy I carpool with, said it. We also talked about lying to people. We kept walking past this one classroom because someone was there. I ended up saying hi to him when he was leaving. I felt proud of myself. He did a double-take back at us then kept walking. He came back for something then passed us again, and I think he was trying to avoid eye contact. x] Anyways, I feel good (:

    Sunday, February 22, 2009

    How to Sleep in Class

    Reading Journal time!!! Joy, I know x| Anyways, this is actually a sub-section under "How to Survive a Boring Class" from the same book I did it on last time, "The Complete Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook" by Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht. Why, I did it on this book, is because I don't have anything else to read, and this book it thiiiick. x] Anyways, the selected guote from my reading is:

    "Assume the Napping Position
    -Place your thumb under your chin, supporting your jaw.
    -Rest your four fingers on the side of your face.
    -balance your head on your hand, keeping it upright.
    -Place your notebook open and in front of you; hold a pen in your hand, to look as if you are ready to take notes."

    Now my comment is:

    I remember doing this, actually. It was during a tour in New York. Looking back on it now, I probably missed out on a great experience, but at the time, it seemed like it wasn't. During the tour, we were supposed to take notes. Well I already had enough notes and the tour didn't feel half-over yet. What added to the sleepyness was it was a rainy day. And I was wearing my hat AND my hoodie sooo... I Pulled my hoodie over my hat, cradled my head on my hand, balanced my binder on my lap with a pen in my hand, and looked down. Voila! Off to sleep. And I didn't even get caught. *smug face*

    But, wait! here's a question!

    What happens if you get caught? And worse, what if you get called on? I guess I have kind of a solution. Check the board real quick and scan over what's the general topic, or what the recent topic was. Then ask "What was the question again?" After the question, mumble something that sounds something like the answer to buy yourself some time. Look at the notes of people around you, which indicate that you shouldn't sit next to someone who doesn't take notes. Now after this time, you have two options. If the question isn't that heavy on your grade, it would be okay to say I don't know. Now if it is heavy, say..."I don't know." I know it's the same thing, but if it's a rare occasion that you're caught then I figure it's okay. But if this is a repeat offense, then it's down on yourself >:) Have a nice day.

    Friday, February 20, 2009

    Once in awhile...

    ...I'm going to stop posting up blogs, then unexpectedly post one of these up to notify you, my readers, that I, in fact, am not dead. And then ramble on about what has happend over the past few days, then come in the small trickle of posts. Wait a few weeks, then it repeats. You might be getting tired of this, but I have no choice. My life, especially my school life, has got me too worked up to barely even post up a reading journal. I know you guys probably don't like them, but I also havet odo them for, you guessed it, school. It's been running my life more and more, and eventually, I won't be able to post up any more entries. Sad faceeeeee. ): But, I promise, I will try my best to find some time in my busy life to pop in and tell you guys what's going on in my life. ;)

    So anyways, the day before I left Palm Springs, we went up a mountain on a tramcar, which was super uber wicked fun! There were five towers and everytime we would pass one, the car would sway and every one would go "Wooooooahhhh!" I have a vid of the ride up and some of the ride down since my camera ate my batteries. I'll put it up on YouTube, hopefully, soon I guess. We had to wait an hour for our tramcar though, there were so many people. And couple of them were pretty cute too. x]

    When we got up top, we walked down a wide winding path, which was covered in snow and ice! But my snow gear kinda looked dorky :p They were my dad's, as always, but I had a good time. But we kept taking pictures on the way down, which took forever. But we eventually got down to the ground, and then it was play time! My aim is pretty bad...^.^;; I made a wall, but it kinda died. I kicked some chunks of ice that my dad got pics of, but the camera was slow so it only took like a few pics. We then played a bit more then came down.

    And for today, we were supposed to have advisory olympics today, but our school couldn't rent the nearby park for today so we just had an ice cream social where me and my friend were gazing at someone. x] Which reminds me, that same friend got a Wreck This Journal like mine, from my other friend and there was this one page where we had to lost it. Well, my other friend took it and gave it to that someone. She was totally red, but it was hilarious. I was kinda jealous, how come I don't have confidence like that? >.< I sent that person a message awhile ago, but they still haven't replied yet. -_- I thought they did though, but it was just my other friend. :p All for now.

    Monday, February 16, 2009

    What to do in case of...

    For this reading journal post, I chose to do it on The Complete Worst-Case Scenario Handbook by Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht. Why? Well, it was the only thick book that I brought up with me in Palm Springs, so I figured, What the hey? ONe of the more interesting scenarios, not that they're ALL interesting, is How to Jump from a Building to a Dumpster. One of the warnings say:

    "The Dumpster may be filled with bricks or other unfriendly materials. It is entirely possible to survive a high fall (five stories or more) into a Dunpster, provided it is filled with the right type of trash (cardboard boxes are best) and you land correctly."

    Well this is interesting. I mean, I feel much safer that I now know how to jump from a tall building into a dumpster. Just think of all the times that I can use it. Hmm, but I guess i need to live in a high-rise apartment building. If I get married, I can jump into a dumpster when my mother-in-law comes to visit. Or if the building is on fire, or would the dumpster catch on fire? Well what else could be safe to land on? I know for sure not rocks or glass, feathers are okay. What about styrofoam? Its hard but it's not dense and might break under impact and sudden pressure. Old carpets? Newspapers? I wonder... The MythBusters should try this out x]]]

    Friday, February 13, 2009

    In the desert. I think

    Well here I am in Palm Springs for the weekend. I'm staying in a cabin with my family till Monday at this place that was supposedly the same as this one campground that we usually stay up in Julian. Turns out we were kinda wrong. This lot of trailers and RVs looks like a trailer park. And the buildings are so ugly :pp Our cabin is just across the road from wither the office, the clubhouse, or maybe both. Our cabin is also near a playground and pool. I don't expect to go swimming, since it was raining on the way here. Oh, and instead of being 5 miles from the closest city-town thing, its actually 45. I hate typos. And for my first hour here, I am less than impressed. I am far from it. I expected more trees. Ugh. I mean our GPS itself got lost, partially because there was a road closure to get here. The upstairs has a little more standing room, but the railing is waaaaay too low. Someone could trip and end up falling onto the first floor. There are two small mattresses upstairs, but there are stains on it.I'm afraid of what they are. Thankfully, my mom brought some covers. There are some cobwebs in a corner, and the bathroom has barely enough wiggle room. I have to stay here until Monday. At least I have internets. :D

    I had to leave school early today to get here. But we ended up getting a little side-tracked. We went to the library nd borrowed a couple books. Then we picked up my brother, had lunch, packed up the truck, and waited. We left at around 4-ish. My friends called. Full of squeals, they were giggling over this one guy that I've been meaning to talk to for awhile. They think he's really hot. x] I sent him a YouTube message the other night, and he still hasn't responded. Oh well, I can wait. Well, all for now. Nothing else to rant on about.

    Saturday, February 7, 2009

    Just a small update...

    My first blog post in a while. Well just wanted to say that whoever has internet is a lucky bas-I mean-person. And for those who have a laptop, you guys are also under that banner. Anyways, due to the lack of internet and the rise in frustration torwards technology at my house, I have been forced to create a podcast. I'm not saying that podcasting is bad or anything. I'm the problem. Lots of ums and pauses. I'll work on it though. So that means more podcasts coming. I'll post it up when I have a chance too, since I'm at my cousin's house, and the podcast episode is at home on my external hard drive. :p Hope you guys are enjoying my Gaia journal posts (found on my 100th post).

    Reading Jouranl for Ender's Game

    For today's reading journal, I've chosen to do it on a book I just finished a few hours ago called Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card. The following post has a few spoilers in it so if you would like to read this book, I recommend for you to not read ahead. And the quote I choose to share with you is:

    "If we had kissed, it would have been the miracle to make us human in each other's lives. Instead we killed each other. But still we welcome you now as guest friends. Come into our home, daughters of Earth; dwell in our tunnels, harvest our fields; what we cannot do, you are now our hands to do for us."

    These are the words thought, yes thought, to Ender when he discovered the pupa of the unborn Bugger queen. This was after the climax ofthe story and very well near the end. Ender was the one who wiped out the Buggers, and for the Bugger queen to forgive them was just unbelieveable. I mean, the third war in which the buggers and the humans fought, led by an 11-year-pld is pretty amazing. Does this mean that when she hatches that the buggers and humans won't be fighting each other? What will they do now that the humans have inhabited their old worlds? The book was kind of long, but it kept me reading. I look forward to reading the other 6 books in the series. If I have time of course (:

    Wednesday, February 4, 2009

    Screwy internetz and old friends.

    I am annoyed. At my computer. For those who talk to me, you probably know why. If you don't then here is my issue with my computer: the internet does not work properly. Other the past few days, my internet had started to shut off and on randomly. It drives me insane. Well, my dad bought a new router so I'm trying it out now. Well when I try to go on either meebo, Myspace, or YouTube, Firefox crashes. My mood becomes ()!*&$)(!*&)Q(*#$&!!!!!!!! Another computer frustration is how buggy it just is. Like how I just tried to open iTunes because it didn't come up when I plugged in my iPod, the window didn't even come up yet and it's telling me that it had to close because of some kind of error. WTF? And now Windows Explorer just crashed on me. Twice in 5 minutes. I really hate this computer. I wish I had a new one. Maybe i'll just get my own laptop instead of a DS or a PSP. But which to choose? Mac or PC?

    Well, enough ranting. How was my day you may or may not ask?It was fun really. I got to see some of my friends again from elementary school. It was fun. I got to meet up with not only one of my old classmates, but two of my old friends too. And it turns out one of them is bi. Which brings up the total up to 3. We played Brawl, talked a bit, ran around the lock a few times and then came in to play Mario Kart. Then I went home around 6:30ish.

    This post was actually made for yesterday, but my computer was of course being buggy and restarting itself. Can't see why they don't just buy me a new computer...:p