About Me

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Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.


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    Thursday, May 29, 2008


    I haven't posted anything in a while for a number of reasons: 1) I have nothing interesting to say, 2) I forget about it, 3) I'm swamped with work, or 4) I'm lazy :p

    Again, not really anything to report, as I am only updating to let you peeps know that I am indeed alive, and I didn't die in my room or something :) I am sick however, and it's pissing me off that I am though.

    Actually, I did go to a cousin's birthday party the day after I came back from DC. I was tired, but it was fun. It was a pool party at Welk Resort Center. It was supposed to be at the beach, but the parentals worried about sharks and whatnot. I could've sleptover, cuz they had a suite, but my parents were all like, "Ehh....I'm tired" (Dad) or "It wasn't in the plans" (Mom). My dad was out playing airsoft with some of his peeps. So yeah, that's maybe it for now. Ja ne.

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