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Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.


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    Thursday, May 1, 2008

    The CSTs Day 4

    Ugh. I hate math now. The test wasn't as easy as the first part.

    But first, PB&J Sandwiches. Today in English, we are on our "Functional Documents" unit. This means that we get to look at college applications, leases for residential areas, take a written driving test, among others. To day was the How-To and Lease day. So first, we did how-tos. On how to make a PB&J sammich. Yay. But the fun part was having one of my friends read his steps out loud, and the teacher doing the steps ver batim. For example, twisting the jars of PB and J without holding on to the base (this step was to open the jar). Or how she just used a slice and the butt of the loaf. All in all, it was interesting. Plus we got to have a little piece of a sammich :D

    so now English is over, and now comes Algebra, where we take our CSTs. God, I wanted to burn the test. I was stuck on like 10 problems, like the dividing polynomials. Ugh, I hated that. along with other problems, I eventually went into overtime. So I missed my original lunch, but I got to go to 2nd lunch, with some of my other friends who also went overtime. I missed half of science class, but they were watching Mythbusters. But, I wanted to go watch Mythbusters :( Oh well, whatever. :D

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