About Me

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Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.


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    Monday, May 25, 2009


    So, for my memorial day weekend, I went up to Julian to go camping. Or rather, stay at an RV Resort. Now don't get me wrong, I love that place. In fact, I wish I was there right now. The atmosphere is just great, especially when you can talk with other people your age. Let me start from the beginning.

    We left home about 15 minutes after my mom came home with my cousin. He came along too. Anyways, we left, and after some time of driving, we got at the ranch at around 10-ish. We checked in, and "moved" in to the trailer. We had a snack, and went to bed at midnight.

    The next day, we just kinda got the feel of things. I walked around, saw a couple people. I wrote in my journal a bit, and read back at what I wrote, so long ago. I went swimming with my brother and cousin after lunch for an hour or two. I dried off, grabbed my DSi and went into the clubhouse for the Wi-Fi. I sat on the sofa, and soon after, another dude, about my age, came in and sat at the other sofa. We didn't say anything, just minding our business. Then other people came in. Turns out there was a Lakers game going on. So I decided I would watch it. The dude, left for 15 mins, grabbing something to eat, at which even more people started coming in. Then he came back and sat on the same sofa as me. We were all watching the game, and another dude, that seemed a few years older than me came in. Other people in the room included, a few Denver fans, one of which was very expressive, some middle-aged ladies, and some dads and young sons. Anyways, I was really into it, and I wanted the Lakers to win. So whenever the Nuggets shot I would always be like "miss!" under my breath. I guess the dude heard me and was smiling, when he was looking at me. x] Anyways, the dude got up and left, and my dad came in and sat next to me. I think he was for the Nuggets :p I left, took a shower and had dinner. Walked around a bit, hung around the playground, then went back in. I came in at the end of the 3rd quarter I think. I had to sit on the floor next to one of the ladies from earlier. I was muttering again, 'cept I was saying "shoot" or "hit," and the lady next to me smiled. So Lakers won. It was kind of like a weak "yay!" When they won. It was much more active when the Lakers actually scored. x] The room was full of "yes!" and clapping and arm thrusts. It was fun. I headed back to the cabin for a small break, then went out for more walking. We (me, my bro, and my cousin) walked places. First to the basketball courts for this astronomy thing. Then more places. Passed by a Shrek screening a couple times. Then back to the trailer and bed.

    I think I bored you enough with all those details. I'll post about the next day later. All for now.

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