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Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.


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    Sunday, October 26, 2008

    MOAR Reading Journal...

    Sorry for the lack of personal, non-school related posts, but these days, there's a lot going on at school. And I kind of forget about posting on my blog when I'm on because my tabs from the last session keep me preoccupied. Anyways, enough babbling (but isn't that why I have this blog? ^^;;).

    For the RJ today, I found two news articles online. Well, one of them was found in the newspaper that my dad showed me. Both have to do with Japan.

    Japan's online social scene isn't so social

    This article's about how in Japan, nobody opens up on the internet. And I don't blame them. I mean, sometimes I use a fake name, age, location, etc. on some of the sites that I go to. The article mentions a couple websites, like YouTube, MySpace,, mixi (kind of like a Japanese MySpace). Oh! And 2ch(annel). But in my opinion, they didn't include Nico Nico Douga (kind of like a Japanese YouTube, mentioned in a past post). So yeah, I think it's normal for one to have privacy because of what someone said, "If I say too much, the wrong people will read it – it could get ugly." I think that it's interesting that only 40% of Japanese women are willing to put up their picture online.

    Then the one that I found in the paper:

    'Virtual murder' in online game lands Japanese woman in jail

    I was cracking up! Now, zi've played MapleStory before, and I found it just a bit dull. But it was a great RPG, like many others. Now the story goes that a Japanese woman had her in-game avatar "married" to someone else's avatar. But when she suddenly found out that they had become "divorced" without any warning, she grew angry and went on the man's account. And killed the man's avatar. I'm not sure whether it was through monster or a PvP (Player vs. Player, I'm not sure if MS has PvP, but I'm too lazy to do research). And so she gets arrested for some violation of some sort. (I read the article a couple days ago, but I can't remember what the offense was) There were mentions of people who have been arrested through some sort of involvement on a game. Like how some lady from Denmark was arrested for plotting the kidnapping of her Second Life boyfriend. Freaky much! I mean that's a bit far, couldn't you just meet them at a local coffee shop (Denise, Anja, Monica, and anyone else. DO NOT LAUGH!) ?

    And so ends my reading journal for tonight. I'll try to post some more life-related stuff next time!

    1 people say...:

    Denise[sayz.hi!!] :) said...

    I'm sorry Philip, but I just LOLed! haha! sorry! :P I also blogged about that second article. Crazy isn't it?! I mean seriously, people can get pretty into virtual games. heh, Cya in skool! ~Denise :)