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Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.


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    Tuesday, October 28, 2008

    Maya Angelou's "Wouldn't Take Nothing For My Journey Now"

    A quote from said book, that I found:

    "...Life is an ongoing adventure...The truth is we know fact, we ourselves will arrive whole and alive at the end of our journey. Life is pure adventure..."
    -Maya Angelou

    I found this to be a fitting quote, for what, I'm not really sure. I like the quote and it kind of relates to my "Explorer of the World" book because both have you looking at the world more differently. You take things and turn them in to art, or you take the world and turn it into your own little kind of adventure story. Take a drive to work for example, sure you find it boring, especially when you hit traffic. But if you turn up the tunes, rock out, and wait for it to subside, you could say you had somewhat of a good time. An adventure which you took an obstacle and turned it into something good. If you really want an adventure though, take a different route, and don't be afraid to get lost. Unless you really have to be somewhere and you have to be there on time, otherwise try to get there on time. I don't want anyone blaming this blog for saying that it's okay to get lost, which it is on some cases, but still I don't want to leave you readers with something misleading.

    Anyways, life really is an adventure, whether you see it like it or not, it's your say. You don't need imagination because you don't have to pretend. It's already there, ready, waiting for you to take it and mold it into something worth your while. Have a good life.

    3 people say...:

    Anjamay said...

    Wowzers, you type a lot. I like how you connected your Explorer book to the Maya Angelou book~

    Oh and...


    yzzy:) ♥ ! said...

    thanks for the comment:]
    and im jealous of how
    you can just say
    what you mean.
    your writing is really good,
    so gooodjob:]]

    Denise[sayz.hi!!] :) said...

    DUDE... you seriously type alot... teehee! Awesome connection! cya in school!
    P.S. I watched the teehee song! TEEHEE!