About Me

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Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.


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    Thursday, May 29, 2008


    I haven't posted anything in a while for a number of reasons: 1) I have nothing interesting to say, 2) I forget about it, 3) I'm swamped with work, or 4) I'm lazy :p

    Again, not really anything to report, as I am only updating to let you peeps know that I am indeed alive, and I didn't die in my room or something :) I am sick however, and it's pissing me off that I am though.

    Actually, I did go to a cousin's birthday party the day after I came back from DC. I was tired, but it was fun. It was a pool party at Welk Resort Center. It was supposed to be at the beach, but the parentals worried about sharks and whatnot. I could've sleptover, cuz they had a suite, but my parents were all like, "Ehh....I'm tired" (Dad) or "It wasn't in the plans" (Mom). My dad was out playing airsoft with some of his peeps. So yeah, that's maybe it for now. Ja ne.

    Saturday, May 24, 2008


    I'm back from my very tiring, very fun East Coast Trip. I did make 4, I think, vlogs though. You get to hear me talk in my *not* beautiful voice. Heh. They're going to be edited because it's sorta hard to hear what I'm saying so yeah. 

    Thursday, May 15, 2008

    It's almost here!

    In preparation for my East Coast Trip, this is the only post I'm putting up until Friday.

    We leave Friday night and we're gonna be gone for 8 days. We come back next Saturday, I think. So yeah, I haven't packed yet, and I don't have a formal outfit for the Broadway Show/Dinner Dance Cruise. Not much left to say.

    Ja ne

    Sunday, May 11, 2008

    2 Days...

    ...One for mom, and one for my friend's birthday pool party yesterday.

    So first, the pool party. I gotta say it was pretty fun. Truth or dare, swimming in the pool. My friend's parents were pretty cool, too. But the water was freezing-your-ass-off cold!!! I spent most of my time out of the pool actually...Hitting beach balls across the pool, throwing sort-of-filled water balloons at other people. The girls at the party had some sort of contsets where they gave out awards to the guys. Apparently, I won best smile, 2nd best body, and something else that one of the girls wouldn't tell me. Hmm....I even had a deja vu over there. Unfortunately for me, the party continued at one of other friend's houses, who was having a bon fire. My mom, being a worrier than ever, denied my request to go to the bon fire, where according to my friend "the real fun started". They said they played more truth or dare, and the dares were pretty funny, including having a germaphobe licking either a shoe or a foot. I forgot.

    And mother's day. I'm writing this entry at my cousins house where we're having, not really a party, but a get-together. My cousin from Escondido already came, and my grandma is here too. I think that's everyone. That's all for now, ja ne.

    Wednesday, May 7, 2008

    No More CSTs!!!! and more....

    So today was the final day for the CSTs. And since it was science, and I'm better at that than History, I think I did really good. :) What's better is that I get to go to a party for all those who was here on all the days of testing. And I was. Yay.

    More, I just had "sexuality education". I gotta say, it was a little akward, but I got over it. We sorta played the p**** game. We had to say that and v***** 3 times. I didn't have a problem saying it before that class, but it was just weird hearing other people say it. That's it for now, it's a short day and with testing, period 4 (at the end of the day) is only 30 minutes. Ja ne.

    Monday, May 5, 2008

    New Website!

    Straying from the History CST that I did horribly on, I'd like to annonce a new web blog of mine. For those interested, check it out, though its really new. I just made it today. And since I can't doing anything on the stupid school computers, I have to do everything at home.

    Anyways, check it out sometime. And tell your friends too! Chances are, they're probably one of the people I'm looking for.

    Friday, May 2, 2008

    The CSTs Day 5

    Finally it's Friday. After a 3-test day week, I could use a break. History was so hard, it wasn't even funny.

    First, there were some things that's from 6th and 7th grade. Well, lucky for me, I forgot all those! I swear, it's just like my History teach says, "It's like they design these tests so no one could pass them." Or something like that. The schedule was completely messed up as well. As usual, there's no first period. But the period order goes like this: 2nd, 3rd, Lunch, 5th, 4th. Periods 2, 3, and 5 were 2 HOURS long. My 2nd period is English where we watched a documentary of Anne Frank. (Anne Frank stuffs!) 3rd is my Algebra class, which is when people takes their tests. Joy. But the good thing was, we got to go on laptops near the end of class. Me and my friends hacked onto YouTube ;) shhhh... Then lunch. Notices there's only one lunch. Where the whole school eats at the same time. I brought a lunch so it wasn't a big deal for me. We all made a giant hippie circle in the grass :D It was awesome. We even got a few teachers to sit with us too. Then we did a "celebratory jump hug". We were all in a circle ready to jump and say "Yaaay!" but one of the teachers was all like "No you're going get kicked of the field trip, blah, blah, blah blah." But then she let us tdo 2 hops. We did, and I saw everyone just like looking at us wierd-> O.o

    That's basically it. Ja ne ;)

    Thursday, May 1, 2008

    The CSTs Day 4

    Ugh. I hate math now. The test wasn't as easy as the first part.

    But first, PB&J Sandwiches. Today in English, we are on our "Functional Documents" unit. This means that we get to look at college applications, leases for residential areas, take a written driving test, among others. To day was the How-To and Lease day. So first, we did how-tos. On how to make a PB&J sammich. Yay. But the fun part was having one of my friends read his steps out loud, and the teacher doing the steps ver batim. For example, twisting the jars of PB and J without holding on to the base (this step was to open the jar). Or how she just used a slice and the butt of the loaf. All in all, it was interesting. Plus we got to have a little piece of a sammich :D

    so now English is over, and now comes Algebra, where we take our CSTs. God, I wanted to burn the test. I was stuck on like 10 problems, like the dividing polynomials. Ugh, I hated that. along with other problems, I eventually went into overtime. So I missed my original lunch, but I got to go to 2nd lunch, with some of my other friends who also went overtime. I missed half of science class, but they were watching Mythbusters. But, I wanted to go watch Mythbusters :( Oh well, whatever. :D