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Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.


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    Tuesday, December 15, 2009

    A post in Humanities

    I’m in Humanities. With a computer out, I’m too lazy to get out my journal and write in it. Brooke’s talking about what she heard on the radio right now. Something about finals. Blah. Tests are so annoying.
    So much pressure is put on these questions, but there is some leverage. I did all my work, or at least most of it, in Math/Chem, and the finals is only about 5% of my grade anyway. I’ll be fine. I’m not sure about the Humanities final though. In an outsider’s perspective though, I think it won’t seem as a lot. All we have to do is write 3 paragraphs about what we learned. We have all our resources, or I know I do. But, again, the pressure that’s put on us and the want for us to do well on these tests, it’s a bit nerve-racking.

    My DP won’t work. Great. Apparently, it was working yesterday when Brooke was on it, and it was kind of working last night when I was editing it. Well, I was only editing the Globalization part on the Google sites part. But it was still acting a bit wonky then. Hmm… Computers are stupid. It’s a bit of a paradox if you think about it. We use and invent new technology to reach new heights. But sometimes, that is not enough, and so our creativity, or whatever else is in us, is stumped. So we have to keep inventing new things, while the old “new” things fall into the obsolete abyss. And the cycle keeps going. It just creates more and more waste and trash. Not to mention, we have global warming going on. It can’t be helped. I just hope they make something good out of Copenhagen.

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