About Me

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Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.


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    Friday, December 18, 2009

    The last day before winter break.

    The room is filled with sounds, mainly voices overlapping each other. The projector screen is down, showing Up. The tinny voice places over all the chatter. People drink their drinks and munch on their snacks. Music plays from a phone behind me.

    It's the last day before winter break, and the people in my Math/Chem classroom are hanging out. In my Humanities room, people who work on their work are present. I just remembered how good a movie Up was.

    It's finally time for Christmas, almost. One of my friends got me a foam sword, while my other friend got me This Is Not a Book by Kari Smith. It's awesome, and I still have to do all of them. I did the endurance test, and lasted for 10 minutes since I was fixing my jacket and forgot to hold it over my head. I bookmarked the "conundrum" page, which is always interesting to watch people read it and try and find out what's "wrong" with it.

    Finals were a bit of a nervous wreck, but I managed to pull through. Perfect score in Humanities, and I think I missed a few problems in my Math II exam and the Chemistry exam. But that's good enough.

    On another note, I think I'm involved in a plagiarism incident. Details when they come about. I know that I was the one copied off of, and I didn't know that person copied. Just when you know a person.

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