(I'll try and keep this short. I'm on my DSi.)
It's the night before the eve, and I'm lying lazily on the couch. As I lay here, something at the back of my head is irking me, stressing me out. My tension's doing well however.
The Yuletide Log, the festive tree, the decorated house. My house has none of it. Christmas becomes just another holiday. I was just talking to a friend about this too. About how Christmas used to be the biggest time of the year, and you couldn't care less for it. It's a bit sad really. But maybe we've just become sad people.
I guess the thing that bothers me the most is the fact that I'm obliged to get gifts for people, so they won't think bad about me. But wait, are you not supposed to care what other people think of you? The only thoughts about you that matter, are those who matter to you. Unfortunately, I run into errors of the process. 1. I can't drive anywhere, so I go on my parent's schedule, which clashes with my 'feelin' lazy' moments. I also do not want to go leave my house and go outside where it's colder-ish. And 2. I'm short on money. Many factors go into this: I have no job and/or I usually blow my cash on stuff for me, and I don't know how to budget. So I guess the main culprit is gifts. I would love to give, but I usually can't. I'm the kind of person who would just add their name to the tag. Bah-humbug.
But I want to change. New Years and my birthday are coming, so it's time for some resolutions, and I've started a list:
1. Be a better person.
2. Get fit and exercise more.
3. Save up some money.
4. Be more positive.
5. Be less lazy and don't procrastinare as much.
I'll leave it as that. I know that I might have to add more, so this is just kind of a rough draft. Guess I ran out of things to say, so Happy Christmas, and Happy Holidays.
I lied, I have a few more words to say but they can wait after Christmas. I'm just too lazy , but I'm working on it.
About Me
- papercrane.endpoint
- Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
If it's Christmastime, how come I don't feel so Merry?
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Friday, December 18, 2009
The last day before winter break.
The room is filled with sounds, mainly voices overlapping each other. The projector screen is down, showing Up. The tinny voice places over all the chatter. People drink their drinks and munch on their snacks. Music plays from a phone behind me.
It's the last day before winter break, and the people in my Math/Chem classroom are hanging out. In my Humanities room, people who work on their work are present. I just remembered how good a movie Up was.
It's finally time for Christmas, almost. One of my friends got me a foam sword, while my other friend got me This Is Not a Book by Kari Smith. It's awesome, and I still have to do all of them. I did the endurance test, and lasted for 10 minutes since I was fixing my jacket and forgot to hold it over my head. I bookmarked the "conundrum" page, which is always interesting to watch people read it and try and find out what's "wrong" with it.
Finals were a bit of a nervous wreck, but I managed to pull through. Perfect score in Humanities, and I think I missed a few problems in my Math II exam and the Chemistry exam. But that's good enough.
On another note, I think I'm involved in a plagiarism incident. Details when they come about. I know that I was the one copied off of, and I didn't know that person copied. Just when you know a person.
Brought to you by papercrane.endpoint Read more! at the magical time of 10:45 AM 0 people say...
It's part of: endings, info, life, school, sick, special, test
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A post in Humanities
I’m in Humanities. With a computer out, I’m too lazy to get out my journal and write in it. Brooke’s talking about what she heard on the radio right now. Something about finals. Blah. Tests are so annoying.
So much pressure is put on these questions, but there is some leverage. I did all my work, or at least most of it, in Math/Chem, and the finals is only about 5% of my grade anyway. I’ll be fine. I’m not sure about the Humanities final though. In an outsider’s perspective though, I think it won’t seem as a lot. All we have to do is write 3 paragraphs about what we learned. We have all our resources, or I know I do. But, again, the pressure that’s put on us and the want for us to do well on these tests, it’s a bit nerve-racking.
My DP won’t work. Great. Apparently, it was working yesterday when Brooke was on it, and it was kind of working last night when I was editing it. Well, I was only editing the Globalization part on the Google sites part. But it was still acting a bit wonky then. Hmm… Computers are stupid. It’s a bit of a paradox if you think about it. We use and invent new technology to reach new heights. But sometimes, that is not enough, and so our creativity, or whatever else is in us, is stumped. So we have to keep inventing new things, while the old “new” things fall into the obsolete abyss. And the cycle keeps going. It just creates more and more waste and trash. Not to mention, we have global warming going on. It can’t be helped. I just hope they make something good out of Copenhagen.
Brought to you by papercrane.endpoint Read more! at the magical time of 11:22 AM 0 people say...
Late Post: December 12th
The following post was written on my dad's laptop up in Julian, CA. Details later maybe?
I just felt the need type something. The thing I hate about coming up here during winter is that it's too cold and too much of a hassle to actually go out and walk someplace. It takes too much effort to dress up appropriately, make sure you're warm, and have the right shoes. If I'm already wearing the right clothes, then maybe I could go. I still might need to ask my parents.
Sitting up here on the second floor is really interesting, compared to the lower floor. For instance, you're closer to the ceiling and right now as I'm typing this, I can hear the pitter-patters of the raindrops above me. It actually got so severe last night, I though I heard thunder. Another reason is the height limitation. The roof is just about 5 feet up from the floor, so we all have to stoop down. A bit of a bother really, but I don't mind that much. I'm still not that tall.
Speaking of height, I noticed recently that when at school, I'm now considered as part of the shorter sophomores. It's a bit annoying, but it can't be helped. I am only 14 after all. Everyone else in my grade is way older than that. I had two classmates turn 16 this week. So they can drive now, so what? I'm pretty sure being young has it's perks too. I'd write some down, but I can't think of any. Crap.
I think I've simply run out of things to say. Anything else I'd like to spill would be very personal, and we can't have that now can we? Who knows who would read this? Secrets aren't secrets if everyone knows them. It's intriguing to have a secret about someone, though. Especially if you see that person every day, [post ends here]
Brought to you by papercrane.endpoint Read more! at the magical time of 11:20 AM 0 people say...