About Me

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Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.


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    Friday, December 5, 2008

    'Tis the season to panic...

    Oh, jeez, I'm not gonna finish, I'm not gonna finish, I'm gonna fail, I have so much to do, will I get it done in time?

    Do these thoughts sound familiar to you? It does to me. Remember my scrapbook project for my East Coast Trip back in 8th grade? Well, now I'm handling more projects than last time. 2 more bringing it to a total of 3. Joy. My Spanish project was a music video that took me 3 hours to edit which gave me a mondo headache afterward. Kind of like my 8th grade music video project but more stressful. However, we still managed to submit it on time and it was good.

    Then there's the Math/Physics wind turbine project where a couple of my partners have some issues about the specifications about the turbine. We decided on a blade design, so that's good. Me and my other partner have practically don't have anything to do, since we can't exactly construct our blade without a mold and liquid fiberglass. I was looking at more Hashima (or Gunkangima) Island pictures, and set one as my background. xD

    For Humanities, we have a debate/exhibition coming up at a middle school near my house. It's not as far as my high school so I'm good. Me and my partner are doing good, but there are some things that we can catch up on.

    And now for the real reason I created this post: my group's music video from Spanish.

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