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Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.


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    Sunday, December 14, 2008

    Overdue Post: Debate Day

    Hello all, this post was actually to be done yesterday, but I slacked off. But I deserved it! The debate was tough!

    So ma and my mom are driving, and I come in at like 8:20, because we got lost. After a pep talk from Kay and her sister, we were off to our first debate round. Walking around in my suit kind of made me feel like a freak show because every single person was staring. It was the first time that made me feel like I was a high school student x]

    Vs. Stud Muffins GS

    Me and Anja were the Negative team, up against Gary and Luis (one of my Spanish music video partners), who were doing Nuclear energy. It was cool and our judges were nice. It was funny because during Cross-Examination, I kept writing questions on sticky-notes and giving them to Anja while she was questioning them. x] We were kind of unprepared for the rebuttals, but we did okay. But Luis just blew us away when he was giving the last rebuttal. He was so passionate andit seemed like he was strongly for nuclear energy. Then our round ended, both teams got constructive critisism and almost everyone on bothe teams but me had to go to the bathroom. This round and all our other rounds ended really early actually.

    Vs. Stud Muffins BP

    Then we were Affirmative against Josh P. and Arielle. We did pretty well, but I think all of us kind of lost it when a class came in and everyone was just staring at us. We were like, "ZOMG, middle schoolers, looking at us like O.o" Then after what seemed like forever, they gave us applause and left. Anja's mom who was watching us told me and Anja that one kid was really into the debate and when they left, he said" Tell the Democratic team, good luck for me!" We kind of had some trouble because while we tried our best to respond, the Negative team barely said anything, and it didn't give us a lot to work off of. Round ended early and it was off to lunch.


    Me and Anja came a little early, so we kind just hung out awhile, till Holly told us that there was pizza, so me, Gary, and 2 other people went to get the pizza, and we were almost in trouble because we weren't allowed in the judges' area and we had to pass through. It was good.

    Vs. Stud Muffins BF

    Then we were Negative against Catarina and Desiree. It was fun and they got in trouble because the kept laughing when I was giving one of my speeches and I was all like "Wind turbines are UGLY." I guess me forcing myself to be more passionate just made me look more like an idiot up there. One of the judges was really cool, because he joked around a bit and he even made the otehr team apologize for laughing when I was talking. Sure, everyone else did, but that was like, "Ha ha, okay back to buisness." We finished early as usual and we went off to our next round.

    Vs. Stud Muffins DP

    Finally, the last round, Affirmative against Mariah and Caitlin. We did okay, our judge didn't really say anything and he wasn't timing us or anything. But they like creamed us during Cross Examination. But I kind of reflected Caitlin's questiong about plants and photosynthesis. I don't remember how it went, but I do remember saying, "So you're saying that humans have the ability to do photosynthesis?" It was fun, and we were really friendly to each other afterwards.

    Finals: Flying Pigs BJ vs. Stud Muffins AK

    The finals was a round where it would determine who was going to be put in 1st and 2nd place. Same with the Semi-Finals, but with 3rd and 4th place. Nothing really to report, but we did try to go see the Semi-finals during the Finals, but Kay wouldn't let us.


    It was fun. I was kind of actually suprised to get another award other than participation. I got the 3rd Place Speaker Award, which was so cool. It means that I had the 3rd most speaker points, because during our rounds, the judges would fill out a ballot where they would give us points on how well we did and who they would vote for. I had a jelly donut afterwards (:

    Then I went home to change, and I went to Mallory's party. It was fun, we played white elephant, had a piggy-back ride race, played charades, and talked to other people. It was fun (:

    1 people say...:

    Roary said...

    Overdue Comment: XD
    I'm glad the debate went well. (=

    I'll comment on your dream when I finish cleaning my room... t.t

    [Ted in a mob?!]