As I just remembered here is the book list for books I plan to read over break. (Click read more ↓)
-The Tale of Despereaux
-The Diamond of Darkhold
-and possibly Toradora! the light novel Vol. 1
Yay books!
About Me
- papercrane.endpoint
- Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Books, books, and more books.
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Saturday, December 20, 2008
First and Last-Minute Memories
Yesterday was the last day for HTH to stay in Mater Dei, and I have to say, I'm going to miss it a lot. The one brick wall, the oddly divided window panels, the space under the stairs, the space of the classroom, so many things to miss. Especially the view from the second floor. Oh, I should've taken a picture of that one corner landscape!
One of thing that I'm going to miss most would be the slab we ate on during lunch, by the lawn on the school. Then there's the field, so half-dead with brown grass. Running barefoot across it during The Bee. Then there's the back hallway where we used to eat until Ray kicked us out. The haunted house exhibit, the radio station that came that one day and mostly everyone ignored it. I remember talking to Michelle the first day of school asking where my class were. I remember telling Patrick that I might not be in that class, and everyone laughed. Then my transfer to Team Vista. Or rather, Team Vista Spanish.
The Spanish music video, the Creative Expression sessions, the Egyptian Ratscrew games, the lunch in the rain, I've been through thick and thin with Seton Hall and I'm gonna miss it. Like those last memories of the half end of school. Ted telling everyone to settle down, the "I've never ever" game which I might have lied on ;), and the uncovered truths and hilarious dares: Daniel's proposal to Kay, Josh sniffing Anja's hair like a stalker, and Mallory jumping into Ted's arms. xD All these memories are priceless, and I will very much miss our old campus.
And with that I bid Mater Dei, adieu.
Brought to you by papercrane.endpoint Read more! at the magical time of 11:10 PM 2 people say...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Lunch in the rain
Today's lunch has got to be the most awesomest one ever! No it wasn't because I had my favorite food or because lunch was extended so that we wouldn't have 4th and 5th periods. It was simple. It was raining. And I was in it. And it was FUN! First, me and my riend Denise had our lunch in Kay's classroom, then we went outside. We took the back hallway to the front staircase, and we kinda just hung around a bit, talked. After that, we went out to the courtyard and walked back to the classroom. We met Sebastian and Caitlin on the way there and we went over to the concrete slab that we usually sat on. It was so cool because the security lady was in a yellow poncho and she was just watching us in the hallway, all wierd like. Denise and I headed upstairs for a little while to check up on ourselves in the bathroom, then we went back down. A Mater Dei kid was staring at us from his classroom. x] Then we went back in and showed people how wet we were, and Kay was smiling. Then we went outside again to get wet even more, then we found Holly and told her that we went out in the rain, (as if it wasn't obvious enough) then she told us we were AWESOME, and then we talked to Ted, then class started. One of my friends told me that I looked like I got hazed with a swirly. x]
Then after school, I jumped in a huge ouddle and everyone stared at me funny and I got my friends wet x] The end.
P.S. I LOVE YOU! x]]]]]]]]] (inside joke)
Brought to you by papercrane.endpoint Read more! at the magical time of 5:23 PM 3 people say...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Overdue Post: Debate Day
Hello all, this post was actually to be done yesterday, but I slacked off. But I deserved it! The debate was tough!
So ma and my mom are driving, and I come in at like 8:20, because we got lost. After a pep talk from Kay and her sister, we were off to our first debate round. Walking around in my suit kind of made me feel like a freak show because every single person was staring. It was the first time that made me feel like I was a high school student x]
Vs. Stud Muffins GS
Me and Anja were the Negative team, up against Gary and Luis (one of my Spanish music video partners), who were doing Nuclear energy. It was cool and our judges were nice. It was funny because during Cross-Examination, I kept writing questions on sticky-notes and giving them to Anja while she was questioning them. x] We were kind of unprepared for the rebuttals, but we did okay. But Luis just blew us away when he was giving the last rebuttal. He was so passionate andit seemed like he was strongly for nuclear energy. Then our round ended, both teams got constructive critisism and almost everyone on bothe teams but me had to go to the bathroom. This round and all our other rounds ended really early actually.
Vs. Stud Muffins BP
Then we were Affirmative against Josh P. and Arielle. We did pretty well, but I think all of us kind of lost it when a class came in and everyone was just staring at us. We were like, "ZOMG, middle schoolers, looking at us like O.o" Then after what seemed like forever, they gave us applause and left. Anja's mom who was watching us told me and Anja that one kid was really into the debate and when they left, he said" Tell the Democratic team, good luck for me!" We kind of had some trouble because while we tried our best to respond, the Negative team barely said anything, and it didn't give us a lot to work off of. Round ended early and it was off to lunch.
Me and Anja came a little early, so we kind just hung out awhile, till Holly told us that there was pizza, so me, Gary, and 2 other people went to get the pizza, and we were almost in trouble because we weren't allowed in the judges' area and we had to pass through. It was good.
Vs. Stud Muffins BF
Then we were Negative against Catarina and Desiree. It was fun and they got in trouble because the kept laughing when I was giving one of my speeches and I was all like "Wind turbines are UGLY." I guess me forcing myself to be more passionate just made me look more like an idiot up there. One of the judges was really cool, because he joked around a bit and he even made the otehr team apologize for laughing when I was talking. Sure, everyone else did, but that was like, "Ha ha, okay back to buisness." We finished early as usual and we went off to our next round.
Vs. Stud Muffins DP
Finally, the last round, Affirmative against Mariah and Caitlin. We did okay, our judge didn't really say anything and he wasn't timing us or anything. But they like creamed us during Cross Examination. But I kind of reflected Caitlin's questiong about plants and photosynthesis. I don't remember how it went, but I do remember saying, "So you're saying that humans have the ability to do photosynthesis?" It was fun, and we were really friendly to each other afterwards.
Finals: Flying Pigs BJ vs. Stud Muffins AK
The finals was a round where it would determine who was going to be put in 1st and 2nd place. Same with the Semi-Finals, but with 3rd and 4th place. Nothing really to report, but we did try to go see the Semi-finals during the Finals, but Kay wouldn't let us.
It was fun. I was kind of actually suprised to get another award other than participation. I got the 3rd Place Speaker Award, which was so cool. It means that I had the 3rd most speaker points, because during our rounds, the judges would fill out a ballot where they would give us points on how well we did and who they would vote for. I had a jelly donut afterwards (:
Then I went home to change, and I went to Mallory's party. It was fun, we played white elephant, had a piggy-back ride race, played charades, and talked to other people. It was fun (:
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Sunday, December 7, 2008
OK, another reading journal entry
I finished New Moon yesterday while sitting in a Supercuts for like 2 1/2 hours waiting for my turn. Fortunately, I got my haircut and finished the book. The ending was all mushy-gushy as always but the fact that people were killed back in Volterra kind of looms over that.
When Bella first saw Edward about to walk out in the sun, he was shirtless right? Then after they went down into the drain, he was still shirtless right? And then right before they left and he got that cloak from that one dude, he STILL was shirtless, right? That's a bit odd, even for a vampire. But I'm not a vampire so I wouldn't know. I felt so sad when those tourists came in though. especially that old woman with the rosary. Do they become vampires afterwards? Or do they just die? Then the trip back home. I guess Bella's too tired to notice some of the probably gawking-at-Edward drooling girls. x] Alice was awesome yet again, but I don't think I would want to get her angry. I mean, she's one of those people who would look all happy all the time, and when you got them upset, she would give out this freaky aura that tells you that something is wrong. Very wrong. Kind of like Mori the butler from the Haruhi Suzumiya series.
Aro and the other we're kind of cool I guess. In my mind, they were the show-offy too gorgeous-to-be-true albino stuck-ups. Then there was that one human woman. Kind of odd, but I guess she was just a really minor character. Course she could've been substituted with a vampire, but that would take away some answers.
And of course, Jacob. The bike part was hilarious in my view. Charlie just screaming, no, bursting with anger. And when Edward kept answering Jacob's answers before he said them was funny too. So yeah, the two odd vampire-human couple are gonna get married. I think. Their child is going to be interesting to look at.
And by the way, I'm taking a hiatus from this series, only because I want to take a break from vampire love and delve into something else. The Mars series looks interesting...
Brought to you by papercrane.endpoint Read more! at the magical time of 6:18 PM 1 people say...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The Weirdest Dream
Okay, so I had a weird dream last night and here it goes:
I was somewhere watching TV, and I saw this mob on the news. The mob was HUGE! Like, the camera from the chopper couldn't fit them all. Then terrorists came out and started shooting people! Of course it was all bloody and everyone started running away. The camera zoomed in on Obama, who for some reason was in the mob, and Ted and a couple other people. And they got shot. I was like, "No way!" And throwing kind of a fit in front of a TV. Then the point of view went to Nicholas Cage looking like Old Snake, who had to get some files in a folder in a burning high-rise hotel, next to a laptop. He gets in, gets the folder and exits to the hallway outside the room. There he is greeted by Naomi and they move to the catwalk staircase that old buildings have in case of fires. She offers him a way out then everything goes black.
Brought to you by papercrane.endpoint Read more! at the magical time of 7:40 PM 1 people say...
Friday, December 5, 2008
'Tis the season to panic...
Oh, jeez, I'm not gonna finish, I'm not gonna finish, I'm gonna fail, I have so much to do, will I get it done in time?
Do these thoughts sound familiar to you? It does to me. Remember my scrapbook project for my East Coast Trip back in 8th grade? Well, now I'm handling more projects than last time. 2 more bringing it to a total of 3. Joy. My Spanish project was a music video that took me 3 hours to edit which gave me a mondo headache afterward. Kind of like my 8th grade music video project but more stressful. However, we still managed to submit it on time and it was good.
Then there's the Math/Physics wind turbine project where a couple of my partners have some issues about the specifications about the turbine. We decided on a blade design, so that's good. Me and my other partner have practically don't have anything to do, since we can't exactly construct our blade without a mold and liquid fiberglass. I was looking at more Hashima (or Gunkangima) Island pictures, and set one as my background. xD
For Humanities, we have a debate/exhibition coming up at a middle school near my house. It's not as far as my high school so I'm good. Me and my partner are doing good, but there are some things that we can catch up on.
And now for the real reason I created this post: my group's music video from Spanish.
Brought to you by papercrane.endpoint Read more! at the magical time of 5:55 PM 0 people say...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
LoGiCal FaLlAcIeS
Are you feeling hungry or tired? Then why don't you come down to the sea and eat a pineapple? They are rich in nutrients and eating it will make you have beautiful skin and beards and goatess and sideburns and all that other good stuff.
BUT WAIT! I thought pineapples give you a bladder infection?!
That's true! Don't be fooled by an apple with a 'pine' in front of it, that causes bladder infection! Eat a book instead! You'll be smarter and you will an extra toe! You will know everything that the book had. Even what was in the index and what the little crumbs in the spine came from! So what are you waiting for eat a book today! Call 1-800-555-BOOK for your free laptop and insurance consultation.
See? Like this baby! He's on the road to a smart and a healthy bladder life!
This has been an example of a Logical Fallacy. This one is an example of Straw Man. It's when two people are arguing, and one arguer distracts the other by completely missing the point and not acknowledging the other's argument. For example, Person A says that wind turbines are expensive. Person B knows that wind turbines are expensive, but instead, he talks about how wind turbines are good for the environment and ignores the argument that wind turbines are expensive. Think about a dog that wants a bone but is distracted by a car or cat.
Brought to you by papercrane.endpoint Read more! at the magical time of 2:26 PM 0 people say...
Monday, December 1, 2008
Hooray for Anime!
Well, here I am once again, posting up another blog post instead of doind homework. (: But that's what later is for! It's not important in the current time frame anyways. But this post will be about an anime that I found that is really ROFL funny. YOu heard me. Not "haha" funny. Not LOL funny. But ROFL funny. But since it's still airing, I think that it could bump up to ROFLMAO material.
The anime is called "Toradora!" and is a slice-of-life, shonen anime. The main character, Takasu Ryuuji, is a normal guy, but his peers are always avoiding him because he has eyes of a delinquent. All he wants is a girlfriend, particularly a girl in his class named Minori. But then on the first day of school, he bumps into Aisaka Taiga, or her other name "the Palmtop Tiger." Small in stature, she is the real delinquent. She angryly pushes Ruuji out of the way, and catch up with Minori who is apparently her friend. Later, it's revealed that Taiga has a crush on Ryuuji's friend Yuusaku. After a game of cat-and-mouse with a wooden sword at Ryuuji's apartment, the two agree to help each other in order to get each other's friends hearts.
The series actually originated from a light novel, much like the Haruhi Suzumiya series, and is available to read, on The anime is fairly new, only to have the 10th episode release on the 5th. Or in other words, this Friday. But since fansubbers, have to get to it and translate it, I need to wait a little longer to watch it. But hey, it's worth the wait (:
Brought to you by papercrane.endpoint Read more! at the magical time of 6:20 PM 0 people say...
It's part of: beginnings, info, life, special