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Hello. I'm currently a high school student living in southern California. I'm not one to talk much about myself. I'll leave it to you to figure me out. Don't ask me though, I'm afraid even I don't know myself all that well yet.


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    Tuesday, June 16, 2009

    Finally a sophomore.

    Today started out all grey and drizzly. Was it an omen? Now that I think about it, I think so? So what's so special about today? Shouldn't you've seen the title a week ago. The answer is no, not really. My school is different, remember? Check the last post, and you'll see what I have to do to be a sophomore.

    Read it? Well, if you're too lazy, it's my Transitional Interview of Learning. It's where we have to prep for it 3 weeks before, and then do it. Explanation after the jump.

    A TIoL is basically just having an interview with one of your teachers about how you grew this year in the Habits of Heart and Mind. Well, that's what they said it was. It's different for every student, and the teacher. I got my Humanities teacher, and it was alright. I went in, prepped, waited with a tutor and friend for my teacher to come back from the bathroom. And then we got started. I gave my speech, the questions flew, mostly about me becoming a better leader, and then I waited for a few minutes outside. The result?

    I passed. But barely. Only because I was nervous and I stumbled over my words a bit. She told me that I was a great student, and she liked the fact that I only wanted to be a leader so I can help people. She told me to be more myself and be more confident. It was great, I passed, and I got to play Mario Party on the computer x] So cool that our IT was okay with the idea of putting Project64 on the external hard drive.

    Over the summer, I also get to become a Summer Bridge leader for incoming freshman. It's going to be in July, and it got bumped down a week or so, so it conflicts with Comic-con. But I'm not sure if I'm gonna go yet or not. :p

    All for now.
    (post started via school computer on Tues, the 16th, finished via DSi on Thur, the 18th.)

    Friday, June 5, 2009

    Almost done...

    School is almost over, only 2 more weeks left. I'm sitting in advisory right now, not really doing anything. Since my stupid Mini Mac says that it can't connect to Blogger, probably due to Parental Controls, I'll use this time to write something small.

    School elections just came. Some people wanted to vote for "Rock" as a prank. I wanted to, but couldn't bring myself into it. Sorry ): But I really don't care who becomes president or whatever.

    Since it's the end of the year, you'd expect me to have finals right? No, I have something to take that place. Transitional Interviews of Learning, or TIoL's for short. I have to give a 2 to 3 minute presentation about what I did over the year, then I get asked question about stuff I learned from this whole year. The interview takes about 10 to 20 minutes-ish. I barely remember what I learned, ugh..

    That's all on my plate for now. Other than that, I might go to Comic-Con with a VIP pass. I'm sure yet though, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. It's gonna be my first one that I've ever been to. I was actually thinking about cosplaying as Kagamine Ren, but I decided not to. Why? Costume might cost too much, I don't want to wear a wig, or dye my hair, details, details.

    The video game(s) of the moment right of now are Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2, and Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. Both fro DS, both borrowed from my friend Anja. Haven't played Trauma Center in awhile other than now, and I'm stuck in a temple in Hourglass right now. I'm gonna check for walkthroughs later maybe.

    Last night was Exploratory Exhibition, where Multimedia/Art and Spanish classes showed off their work. It was for incoming freshman, and I saw a lot of people. It was kinda cool, seeing who's gonna be my kouhai x]

    All for now.